Community Outreach
Stretching the Boundaries of Care
Comprehensive care extends far beyond what AOA Orthopedic Specialists does for our patients. We are appreciative of the opportunities we’re given to reach out and give back to the community where not only our patients, staff and physicians live and work, but also to our neighbors who live farther away.
Giving back to the communities we reside in is prioritized here at AOA, therefore our practice often makes generous donations of time, services, supplies and equipment to deserving charities and organizations across North Texas. In addition to giving back to those in need, many of our physicians are actively involved with international charities, providing life-changing medical care for patients in Central America.
Caring for our North Texas Neighbors
AOA Orthopedic Specialists is proud to provide significant support to multiple local organizations across North Texas and are dedicated to improving access to quality healthcare in the surrounding communities. We help these charities fill the gap in services designed for local residents without insurance or the means to access healthcare.
For instance, Cornerstone Assistance Network is a charitable clinic in Fort Worth that had a patient in need of hip replacement surgery who was financially out of reach. With the help of one of our AOA orthopedic surgeon’s, Dr. Mark Woolf, the patient was able to recover and get back on his feet in more ways than one. After the patient’s surgery, AOA made a substantial cash donation aimed to help Cornerstone with ongoing operating expenses that ultimately enabled them to be able to help many more people in need.
Caring for our Neighbors Beyond the Border
Many of AOA’s staff and physicians have a heart for giving that knows no physical bounds. Two of AOA’s Orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Jay Pond and Dr. Mark Woolf have worked with Faith in Practice for several years, and this year Dr. Woolf serves as a mission coordinator for a trip to Guatemala. The team includes five AOA professionals who dedicate a week to seeing upwards of 60 cases each day. Several cases include patients in need of hip replacement, knee replacement, hip libral tears, and rotator cuff repair.
On a previous trip, one of our surgeons, Dr. Donald Stewart, performed several foot and ankle procedures such as ankle arthroscopy, treating calcaneus fractures, foot deformities, bunion surgery, and reconstructive surgery throughout the trip.
Throughout AOA’s involvement with Faith in Practice, we frequently provide a large percentage of the funding for the supplies and medicines needed to make each trip a success. Our staff and providers go above and beyond to offer whatever is needed to whoever is in need without hesitation and right up until the last minute.
Proud Community Partners of
The American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Our Global Headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, and we have regional and local offices throughout the country to ensure we have a presence in every community.
The Arthritis Foundation
People with arthritis face unique barriers to care: high costs of treatment, difficulty accessing medications, scarcity of specialists and more. It’s hard for any individual to fight the battle alone. But through our effective and committed advocacy network, the Arthritis Foundation is working to address key issues on both the state and federal levels with lawmakers, insurers and regulators, helping ease people’s burdens so they can reach their goals.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Arlington
Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.
Faith in Practice
The mission of Faith In Practice is to improve the physical, spiritual, and economic conditions of the poor in Guatemala through short-term surgical, medical, and dental mission trips and health-related educational programs. Our mission is based on an ecumenical understanding that as people of God we are called to demonstrate the love and compassion that is an outward sign of God’s presence among us. Faith In Practice’s life-changing medical mission is to minister to the poor, while providing a spiritually enriching experience for our volunteers.

Project Access Tarrant County
Our mission is to expand health care access and improve health outcomes for low-income, uninsured residents of Tarrant County, utilizing the charitable gifts of a network of existing voluntary providers and collaborative partnerships.
Mission Arlington
Mission Arlington is a faith-based organization which utilizes hundreds of volunteers and a multitude of services to assist people with their physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Young Life doesn’t start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don’t happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency.
Irving Cares
Irving Cares, in partnership with the Irving community, is dedicated to identifying and providing its residents wtih temporary assistance and training to promote self-sufficiency. Our vision is to offer efficient and effective human services to Irving residents in need.

Mansfield Cares
We are the number one supporter of Mansfield charities seeking to meet the Health, Wellness, and Educational needs of the Mansfield community and each year we raise more than $150,000 in donations, all in one evening, at our annual Charity Ball event to divide among our partner programs.